The original article was printed on:   September 17th, 2021 —

Dear Friends,

These times have been challenging in many ways. Just when we thought that we were done with the pandemic, a variant that behaves in a much different way washes over us, like a storm surge on a barrier island. It seems as if no one is really safe.

During these times, I continue to urge prayer, patience, and persistence. I invite us to see what we can learn about God, about our faith practices, and about ourselves during this time.

During this time, I also want to be preparing for how to adapt, how we can be a better church, and how we can build.

To these ends, we are adapting and preparing:

1) The vestry is considering how we can meet in safer ways and what we can do to mitigate risk when we gather.

2) We will be rolling out a Sunday School plan that will begin in mid-October (more about that later). And

3) we are forming a welcoming team to see how we can better invite, welcome, and connect newcomers to our congregation. The sermon this Sunday speaks to welcoming newcomers. If you are interested in joining this Welcoming Team, please feel free to call or email me. We will all be meeting in about two weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns, as always, don’t hesitate to let me know.

God bless you through all of what we are going through.

Peace and grace,
Fr. Jonathan